Ten Secrets to Powerful Business Writing
Communicate effectively using ten highly focused mega-principles of professional business writers. Our corporate business writing courses teach how to make every business letter, plan or document clear, concise and coherent.

Secrets of Powerful E-Mail

Strong e-mail writing skills make the difference in getting read and getting action in fast paced, high-volume e-mail communications. Learn scores of powerful strategies to tap the full communications power of e-mail and avoid its lethal traps.

Secrets of Powerful Proofing & Copyediting

Specially targeted for Legal Secretaries High-octane, comprehensive refresher in grammar,  punctuation and usage, plus tips of pros to sharpen proofreading and copyediting skills.

Capturing Your Audience: Powerful Presentations
Specially targeted for Legal Secretaries High-octane, comprehensive refresher in grammar,  punctuation and usage, plus tips of pros to sharpen proofreading and copyediting skills.

Action Power: Getting Results With Meetings

Analyze the secrets of meetings that produce results. Improve communication, accountability, and follow-through by learning how to run effective business meetings.

Tapping People Power: High-Performance Teaming

Team management skills double staff power. This interactive workshop shows how to build positive attitudes, empower communication, and reduce stress on the job while building dynamic, collaborative teams.

Unique Discovery Method of Whelan Group Training:  It Works!